   |       Guild info on savager. A gamma level shapeshifter guild.       |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                     New Skills: whirlwind attack                     |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                    New Skills: natural toughness                     |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                      New Skills: motion control                      |   
   |                              [Level 07]                              |   
   |            New Skills: natural agility and counter dodge             |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                    New Skills: natural brutality                     |   
   |                              [Level 09]                              |   
   |          New Skills: contest of wills and natural instincts          |   
   |                              [Level 10]                              |   
   |               New Skills: calm beasts and natural calm               |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                       Maxxed in shapeshifter.                        |   

Savager guild members are taught more of the physical and mental characteristics of animals. Civilized life tends to weaken your body and mind. This guild teaches you the resistances, agility, strength, willpower, and instincts innate in the animals of the wild that civilized life strips from you.

Help on skill          :  Whirlwind attack
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill helps the player score an extra hit in combat. 
A double hit is needed for this skill to work.
Created By             :  Unknown

Help on skill          :  Natural toughness
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1142
The so-called "intelligent" peoples of the world sacrificed much in the way of
natural resilience in order to gain their large brains.  A shapeshifter needs
constant practice to regain the natural resistances most animals take for
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Motion control
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1428
People can be trained to perfectly control their movements in order to optimize
their actions and accomplish some tasks faster than ordinary mortals. This skill
is not as successful in combat as when the user is not involved in combat, for
fighting tends to monopolize all the user's attention and impairs control.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 25 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 75 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 9.

Help on skill          :  Natural agility
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  912
Most animals have a speed and alertness that people now lack, which lets them
artlessly avoid blows about which more "intelligent" creatures must think.  By
careful practice and patient observation, though, a shapeshifter is able to
imitate this vigor when shifted into an animal form, using this speed to avoid .
Few shapeshifters realize, though, before they learn this skill, exactly how
much of this agility and apparent instinct is rooted deeply in fear.
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Counter dodge
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill when successful counters a target's attempt at dodging.
Created By             :  Unknown

Help on skill          :  Natural brutality
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  1034
Though the animal kingdom at its worst cannot claim to approach the brutality of
its more intelligent cousins, there is a difference between the viciousness of
the two groups.  In the form of an animal, a shapeshifter will find the
brutality of an animal more useful than that of a person.
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Natural instincts
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1370
Animals have specialized abilities that they use instinctually when appropriate.
These abilities have been traded, in more intelligent creatures, for their
intelligence.  A shapeshifter needs to train rigorously to simply use the
abilities their form has, without conscious thought.  This ability to act
without consciousness also helps the shapeshifter to instinctually use his
conscious actions in the most effective manner.
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Contest of wills
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Almost nothing
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  194
Using time             :  3 rounds
Affecting stats        :  sta, wis
Base Experience Cost   :  672
Dominance in the animal kingdom is often determined by something as simple as a
staring contest.  If one can so dominate an animal, it will usually get out of
the way of the shapeshifter.
This skill using time varies somewhat.
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Natural calm
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1198
It is difficult to shock or stun a wild animal - they act instinctively; without
the rage, or even the thought, so often present in "higher" beings.
Created By             :  Daneel

Help on skill          :  Calm beasts
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  None
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  400
Using time             :  3 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  912
This skill allows a scout to use body language and nature's lore to calm down
aggressive animals.
Created By             :  Sigwald